Wednesday, November 24, 2010

FREE BOOKS?? Could it GET any more magical?

Bookstore cat at Ophelias BooksImage by brewbooks via Flickr
Hey guys, so check out my bud Caitlin Darrell over at her blog Caitlin Darrell: A (Sort-of) Life.  She is having a contest that ends NOVEMBER 30TH where the winners get vouchers for FREE BOOKS OF YOUR CHOICE from the Book Depository. All you have to do to enter is follow her blog, tweet about it, blog about it, or any combination therein.  It's awesome, as is she!  So what are you waiting for?
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2011 Debut Author Challenge

Want to get geared up for some AWESOME books dropping in 2011?  Then join me in The Story Siren's 2011 Debut Author Challenge!   All you have to do is pick from her groovy list of books that are coming out in 2011, and commit to reading at least 12 in one year.  That's a book a month people. Easy!  Especially if you're like me and inhale books!

So, what's on my list?  Check it out!


Covers unavailable: 
1. Lisa and Laura Roecker: LIAR SOCIETY       
2. Myra McEntire: HOURGLASS

What's on your list?      

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